Friday, 31 December 2010

happy new year!

Happy new year to the near and dear!

Let the new year bring tons of good stuff!!

Sunday, 19 December 2010


lol, the page where i found this,
takes  $125 for a cake!

Today is a day for first times. I'm going to bake a traditional cake from Norway. Kransekake! I have never made it completely on my own before. I have only helped when mom and dad had this huge project of baking x-amount of these cakes to my schools christmas market. And since the almonds have to be ground by hand grinder to get the consistency perfect, you bet the whole family had to take turns.
The cake is basically (almost)just ground up almonds and powdered sugar, but its fantastically marvelous, and it brings Norwegian christmas a little bit closer to me, as I can't go to Norway this year to celebrate christmas.

I don't have those ring-shaped baking forms that makes the tower so much easyer to build, so I'm going to invent a litlle bit on the way.

Here is todays recipe, translated from

500g ground almonds
500g powdered sugar
4 egg whites

Mix all ingredients well to a smooth dough, and bake them out to long "sausages", about 1,5 cm thick. Shape as rings into special baking tins made for this purpose.
Bake at 170C in the ovens lowest rack, for 13-14 minutes.
Kransekake tastes even better when it has been frozen, then it gets its lovely chewyness that is slightly sticky. But it is also very good directly after its made.
Cornucopia, "the horn of abundance"

Lets see what I invent for doing with the shaping.

I remember that, when I was a kid, I had several years in a row the wanting that our "kransekake" should be shaped as a greek cornucopia, filled to the rim with candies and marzipan. I think I had gotten the idea from some magazine page or something. But oddly enough, we never made this.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The baking frenzy begins...

Im about to shop all ingredients for the baking of several different yum-yums in a christmasy cathegory. I am thinking to make a smal ton of the different sorts, and give them away to friends and aquaintances. Shh! it's s-e-c-r-e-t!

And one thing that is shocking each year(why do I always forget this??), is the price of almonds. Almonds is in almost every recipe for christmas cakes/candy/goodies that you can find. At least here in Scandinavia. 17-25€/kg has been the prices I've seen so far. Is it always so much?? And for a decent "kransekake" (=norwegian almond cake) you need at least 1 kg. Right? Because its never enough with the 18 rings on top of each other, you have to have the pieces stashed around it on the plate. Myabe I'm over shooting. We ARE after all just two people in this household. But we are having a 26th december family

And I want to make the English christmas cake! the gorgeous savoury fruit magnifience that has been a tradition on my aunt Trude's christmasparty many years. But as many good things, it costs so much for the LONG list of ingredients, and I think its only me that likes this in here, so I rather skip it. And leave time for the making of all the other stuff. We havent even had time for making our fantastic piparkakkutalo (gingerbread house) that we have planned!

But now, the gifts to Norway is sent, so that time-consumption is over. The quewe in the post office went all the way out from the store and alongside one wall! Lucky they are indoors in the mall now.... Poor guys working front desk postal services today must have quite the stress! But they kept on smiling=) good work!

My bestest candies!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Personal record of finishing a project!

Its "bikkjekaldt" here in Finland again, and my boyfriend has the coolest hair, hence an aversion to warm winter hats. Voila! Lisa fixes something to atleast keep the ears from falling off due to the cold.

It took me 6 episodes of Fringe, about 4-5 hours.

Watch here

Its the fastest I've ever done something from start to end(postcards and other small things don't count!) *proud*


To get all the christmasgifts into one parcel is a demanding task of tetris. Even more so, if you happen to NOT have very many available box-options...
I ended up with two boxes. And yes, Dad, there is room in one of them to add traditional ruisleipä for you=)

And as always, sending everything on the very last day that Posti has said they can guarantee its arrival before x-mas.. Why any day sooner??
Gift-wrap-ribbon is omnomnomnom. It has shiny flavorz!

Was that all? BTW your plastic castlebag is great for sleepin
Cat helped with the wrapping. Thanx Cosmo!

Sunday, 12 December 2010

now with even more tea

Since I have lately started to drink more tea than coffe, I have dreamed about finding a teamug that fits my ego... =D nah, just a bowlshaped one that takes more than the standard 1,5-2 dl cups we have at home, and that you can realy cup up in both hands and get all the aromatherapy in the world from a few sips.

And I found! In Indiska. You can say they are a substitute for the christmas calendar I don't have. Its a generous 3-4 dl with "little" plate to put your cookie (or rather the used teabag, I think.... but cookie or dried fruit is prettier!)
Me liksies!

Tea has alot more cozyness and warmth that coffe lacks. its so efficient and businesslike, it even comes out from express-make-steam-machine in its efficient way. Maybe thats the thing that makes teadrinkers have generally less fat around their bellies? the time used to consume and meditate and breathing in rich smells of herbs? Not the antioxydants of teas, no no. hehe
The taste of coffe, the normal everyday squirted from a perculator and standing on its hotplate for long times, has become to me something yöck lately. So when its lost its attractiveness, something else has to come in stead, right? High quality coffes pampered with all of its goodnesses and accessories is still liked, but not so often bought, so they can't serve as substitute...

Christmas cozy and all ;)
Spent much of my day today doing especially christmas cozy-things, like gift-wrapping, watching the telly(which is in reality my computer), cleaning the house(not so cozy), planning a bit on our very un-traditional christmas dinner. It is this year so that we will be just my boyfriend and I, for most of the christmas eve-day anyway, so we are checking around to see if there is some events or artsy stuff to attend or such, planning is still ongoing.

Monday, 6 December 2010

ønskeliste del 4: Andre hobbysaker

Jeg fikler jo med mange saker, helst på en gang!

SØLV! Smykker har jeg masse ideer, men ikke gjort så mye i det siste. Iallefall så kunne det være fint å få teste sølvleire, Om ArtClay, kjøpes for eksempel her: finsk/svensk butikk. Andre eksempler er sølvtråd og duppedingser som feks låser og hekter. Sølvtråden bør være 1mm tykk, da jeg lager alle lenkene og øskenene selv.

GARN! jeg har eksperimentert med å hekle og strikke, denne gangen etter mønster og ikke bare funnet på det selv etterhvert som arbeidet tar form. Mest går det i ull og ullblandinger, noe mohair og kanskje litt alpaca. En skjelden gang har jeg også jobbet med bomullsgarn. Helt syntetisk har jeg ikke klart å kjøpe engang, selvom det er billig, med unntak av "eyelash" garn.

STRIKKEPINNER! Jeg har noe, men langt fra alle størrelser. De jeg mangler er rundpinner i de mindre tykkelsene, og sånne helt gigatjukke lange "spyd" nesten. Fullstendig liste er kanskje litt dumt å ramse opp nå.

ønskeliste del 3; hobbysaker papir og blekk

Jeg har allerede to distress inks,  "tea dye" og "pine needles". Jeg kunne tenkt meg flere bruntoner og litt blått og rødt. Ink blending tool er helt essensiellt, og jeg har ikke skaffet den enda. Og flere kan være en fordel, da slipper man å skitne til stempelpute av en annen farge.

Her har jeg ikke noen farger eller utstyr fra før (disse fargene virker også på metallgjenstander, til forskjell fra blekkputa som bare virker på papir og annet porøst.) 

Alle produktene her kommer fra Ranger, Det er endel butikker som fører det(iflg i Drammen og Oslo, men ikke i Trondheim. Og så er det såklart en hel mengde nettbutikker som fører produktene.
For å få disse siste produktene(perfect pearls og embossing) til å funke som de skal, behøvs det også en varmepistol, som ikke er så varm og stor som en industriell...

Ranger har en hel mengde fantastiske produkter, jeg har vist fram bare noen.

Stempelputer av alle slag er også på ønskelisten, vanskelig å påpeke en spesiell, siden det er så utrolig mange varianter. Men i hovedsak KLASSISKE MØNSTRE, BAKGRUNNSFYLLERE(som noter, prikkete mønstrer eller tekst), TRIVELIGE FIGURER og ALFABETER/FONTER
Her er bare noen eksepler funnet fram i all hast: (her er link til massevis av eksempler)

skoskapet vil oppdateres? ønskelisten del 2

Bildet er mest for å vise litt hva slags typer klær og sko jeg har tittet mest på denne høsten. 
Nå for tiden går det mest i lange(lengde litt ned på låret) lagpå lag greier, helst tights eller jeans, og kanskje en strikket lang kjole utenpå, og ganske ofte bolero, eller en vest med hette. 

På det aller kaldeste har jeg hatt på meg flere høyhalser, to lag med votter og to par leggvarmere helt opp til knærne ;) alltid ull helt innerst. Settet med lilla janus som mamma kjøpte til meg i påsken har vært utrolig bra, og brukt mye. 

Tilbehør som belter og smykker blir ofte glemt til hverdags, for jeg har lenge nok styr med å komme meg inn i alle lag med varme klær. Og når man begynner kl 7 på morgenenen, blir det bare tid til akkurat passelig mye påkledning og frokostlaging. Men jeg elsker jo ørepynt og fine saker, armbånd og smådetaljer, så jeg sier ikke nei takk om noen byr =)

Jeg har ofte sett på litt høyere støvler med pelsdetaljer og som er store nok til å romme både bukse og lange lester i skaftet, men jeg klarer ikke bestemme meg, og flere par blir litt for dyrt, kanskje...
Gina Trikot har veldig mange fine ensfargede trikot-trøyer for eksempel, i flere lengder. De sier jeg ikke nei takk til. Strikkede vester og gensre er også noe jeg blir glad for.

Fargene er som vanlig da... kanskje ikke så mye lilla og pink denne gangen fordi håret mitt er så knall rødt at det blir litt krasj. Kanskje innslag av varme bruntoner og petrolgrønt??

Klærne plukket ut her er fra Blue Banana, og skoene er Din sko, Demonia, Funtasma, Mekka og Ugg. De firkantede smykkene er fra, og det runde er fra Mekka(finsk skobutikk). Illustrasjonsbildet i hjørnet er fra