As the saying go, misery loves company, it seems painfully true. For me today it's not so overly dramatic and poetic as the saying, but still holds to its point.
When slightly incapacitated sitting here with my taped foot, a filling in my tooth had to "fall" (more like jump) out when being very good and following the advice given by the stern and fingerpointing dentists... -usage of dental floss.
Very fun then, to have to go see the dentist in a hurry, limping and ice-packed streets and all. yey! ( I managed NOT to fall on my ass...)
And I cant say I have ever been afraid for the dentist, but this time was the most foul-tasting and choke-feeling visit of them all. Uncomfortable !!
"yes, if you feel any discomfort, just wave your hand"
-Extensive waving, I'm about to choke-
"okay, can you (the assistant) apply suction here (gesture)...."
-Nothing happens, I start coughing-
-I hit their tool table. Little bit sucktion and rinsing with some drops of water. It still tastes like discust and death-
"yes, if you can just try to breathe calmly through your nose..."
-More coughing-
"your gums are bleeding quite much, so this will take some time...."
Mr. Dr. Dentist + company.... small question:
Whats wrong with letting the patient rinse the mouth with water in this situation?? To get that clot of stuff out of there? The thing that makes the patient do things that compromise the work and hence, the time it's going to take??